"Possibilities: US-China Relations in the New Era," -A C100 Special Presentation

Join the Committee of 100 for our Virtual Conference on May 11-12th!

Our packed schedule will showcase "Possibilities: US-China Relations in the New Era," elevating important topics on the U.S.-China relationship and the Chinese-American community. Hear from these experts as they join our virtual stage!

Register now to save on your conference ticket, which provides access to all content sessions, including panels and keynotes, as well as networking opportunities between sessions.
Register Here

The Committee of 100

Committee of 100 is a non-profit U.S. leadership organization of prominent Chinese Americans in business, government, academia, healthcare, and the arts focused on public policy engagement, civic engagement, and philanthropy. For over 30 years, Committee of 100 has served as a preeminent organization committed to the dual missions of promoting the full participation of Chinese Americans in all aspects of American life and constructive relations between the United States and Greater China. Visit https://www.committee100.org/ or follow Committee of 100 on LinkedInTwitter and Facebook for more information. 

COMMITTEE OF 100  |  Ensuring Full Inclusion in America, Advancing U.S.-China Relations
257 Park Ave. South, 19th Floor, New York, NY 10010 
T: (212) 371-6565 | F: (212) 371-9009

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  1. 中美关系对华裔和亚裔在当前在美国乃至西方收到的不公正的歧视与仇恨有不可分割的密切关系,我们必须关注.


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