Dear Parents and Friends,

In the midst of condemning the recent anti-Asian American wave across the nation, we are more than ever ready to celebrate this year’s Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month (AAPI, May). MLCCC is a co-promoter of this year’s heritage celebration campaign. We have a great installment of webinars and selected articles to share with our community, especially our children. Our goal is to educate, inspire, and help to make our community a better place to live. See the Community Events section for more details while we officially kick off this year’s AAPI Heritage Month celebrations. 



1. Additional Time Slots for Camp “Road Trip” Class & Drawing Intermediate Class 

2. Junior Journalist Class Seeking Chinese Essay Submissions - Deadline 4/30 8PM

3. Podcast #15 on “Spring” By Zhu Zhiqing - 明朗中文播客 第15集 《名作集 – 朱自清的【春】》

4. List of Camp Classes 

5. Persistency Award Application - Due June 1

6. MLCCC Emerging Photographer Exhibition - Spring Photos Due May 9  

7.“第四届全球华语朗诵大赛”接受报名 The 4th Annual Global Mandarin Recital Contest Opens for Applications

8. The Ai Ling Guan Memorial Scholarship Fund - 2021 Application Due 5/1


Community Events:

1. Asian Americans and Pacific Islander Community Meeting (Virtual & On-Site) in Radnor on 4/22

2. 2021"亲情中华~为你讲故事“ 网上夏令营开始招生!  Virtual China Camp 

3. Kick-Off of 2021 Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders (AAPI)  Heritage Month (May)

4. Chinese School Association of the US Webinar Series 全美中文学校协会网络讲座系列 

5. Webinar Recommendation:  Parenting in a Multicultural Environment


1. Additional Time Slots for Camp “Road Trip” Class & Drawing Intermediate Class 

“Road Trip” to Ancient Civilizations Class 古文明之旅八日“游” (Ages 9+)

Mondays 2:00pm - 3:00pm EDT. Full for all sessions.

ADD’L TIME SLOT: Wednesdays 1:00pm - 2:00pm EDT

Class content of these two time slots are the same.

Instructor: Mr. Shen Li (沈力,宾大考古博物馆中文讲解员)

Requirement: Students MUST understand basic spoken Chinese.

50% discount on this class’s tuition if also enroll in CHL-C or CHL-D class in the same session.

走进宾大考古人类学博物馆,中国及世界文明八日“游”- 学历史, 学文化,开眼界,长自信!

-中东馆:  解读最古老的文字 - 楔形文字,从苏美尔人的日常生活如女王的化妆到古巴比伦汉谟拉比法典带你了解两河流域文明,在古老的城市中寻找最古老的图书馆,以及考古基础知识。

-埃及馆: 古埃及神灵的世界,木乃伊的制作,拥有一百个孩子的法老,如何把开罗狮身人面像运到博物馆?

-希腊罗马馆: 赏文物,听希腊罗马神话故事,看世界文明的传承和交流,印度佛像为何像希腊人?

-美洲馆: 玛雅文化,励志故事 - 宾大女生如何第一个破解玛雅文字?印第安人是中国人的后代吗?

-非洲馆: 用基因科学探讨人类起源,比人类脑容量还大的尼安德特人灭亡之谜?

-中国馆:从动物看中国文明 昭陵六骏,天禄(汉唐石雕),骆驼(唐三彩),狮子(景泰蓝),佛教艺术对中国文化的影响(佛像艺术基础课)从区别佛,菩萨,弟子,罗汉,力士开始介绍佛像艺术。

-世界文字的演化: 楔形文字,玛雅文字,埃及象形文字,甲骨文的比较学习课程。

This class is a virtual guided "tour" of the world's civilizations through the Penn Museum. The "tour" is conducted primarily in Chinese.  Contents may be modified and adjusted based on real-time feedback from the students.  

 2021 MLCCC Camp Registration Link is here.

Drawing Intermediate Class (Ages 10+)

彩铅1 Tuesdays & Thursdays 1:00pm - 2:00pm EDT.  Full for Sessions 2 & 3 

ADD’L CLASS: 彩铅2 Mondays & Wednesdays 1:00pm - 2:00pm EDT

Instructor: Mr. Zhang Benbiao

Small class size of 8 students.  Taught mainly in Mandarin.

Drawings done in the two classes are different but the techniques taught are similar.



This course starts with learning the basics of drawing and sketching using colored pencils, and progresses to mastering the basics of realistic drawing through the practice of colored pencil techniques of lines, gradation, color layering, and more, so as to improve their abilities to draw realistically. This class integrates still-life sketching and cartoon drawing to improve the creativity of the content and the fun of learning. Through this class, patience and meticulous study habits can also be formed and artistic taste can also be cultivated.


2021 MLCCC Camp Registration Link is here.

Full payment by 5/21/2021 to avoid $30 registration fee.

Virtual Camp Dates: 6/21 - 8/20, 9 weeks separated into 3 sessions.

Session 1: 6/21 - 7/9 (3 weeks, no camp 7/5)  

Session 2: 7/12 - 7/30 (3 weeks)

Session 3: 8/2 - 8/20 (3 weeks)

Contents vary by session. (夏令营共分三期, 每期都会安排不同的学习内容)


2. Junior Journalist Class Seeking Chinese Essay Submissions - Deadline 4/30 8PM

Our Junior Journalist Class will be creating the first-ever MLCCC newspaper before the end of this school year.  They are seeking essays/drawings in Chinese by our students.  Privacy reminder: the names of the students who wrote the submitted essay/drawing may be displayed in our newspaper.


1. Can be prose, poetry, rhyme, or drawing.  If drawing, please attach a short explanation in Chinese.

2. Students from all classes are invited to attend regardless of age and when the piece was written (i.e. can submit prior work created for different assignment/event).

3. Limit essays to 400 words

4. If essay, submit either a Word doc or a PDF.  If drawing, submit an image such as a jpeg file.    

Submission deadline: April 30 8PM 

Submission link:

小记者班将于本学期结束前完成第一份明朗学生自办的报纸《明朗每月消息》(即MLCCC Monthly Check-ins)。在报纸排版中将开辟一个版块给所有明朗学生进行作品展示。现向所有学生征稿:


1. 学生自己写的中文作文,诗歌,儿歌或者学生自创的绘画均可,如提交作品为绘画,请简单附上1-2句话介绍作品;

2. 所有班级均可参加,不限班级,不限年龄,不要求作品是近期创作的;

3. 作文字数要求不超过400字; 

4. 文字作品请以word文档或pdf格式上传;绘画作品请以图片格式上传;

作品截稿日期:4月30日晚8:00 (EST)



3. Podcast #15 on “Spring” By Zhu Zhiqing - 明朗中文播客 第15集 《名作集 – 朱自清的【春】》

Thank you to Eric Torii for reciting the famous prose “Spring” by Zhu Zhiqing, and for the beautiful illustration. Thank you to Grace Yu for the lovely piano accompaniment.   



·       朗读:李宗昂同学

·       音乐伴奏:郁欣同学,Alan Walker的钢琴曲《Faded消逝》

·       艺术插图:李宗昂《春天的远眺》




Our Podcasts and Vlogs are great platforms for our children to showcase their ability and creativity, and also to preserve a unique piece of memory of their Mandarin learning journey at MLCCC. Encourage your children to participate, our producers will nurture and guide them through a fruitful experience.

All podcasts are at


4. List of Camp Classes 

Click on the Class Titles to learn more details: See also Days/Times Tables attached.

-CHL and CSL Classes 汉语老师团队 (母语与非母语班) 

-“Road Trip” to Ancient Civilizations 古文明之旅八日“游” (Ages 9+)

-“Pioneering Chinese Immigrants in U.S."华裔美国人的故事“ (Ages 9+) 

-English Writing Grades 3-4 英文写作

-English Writing Grades 5-6 英文写作

-English Writing Grades 7-8 英文写作

-Intensive English Writing Grades 5-6 英文写作强化班

-Math Enrichment Grades 3-4 数学

-Math Enrichment Grades 5-6 数学 (Advanced levels)

-Intensive Math Grades 5-6 数学强化班

-Algebra Grades 7+ 代数

-Computer Coding Grades 3-5 Scratch Animation and Game Programming 编程与动画

-Computer Coding Grades 6-8 Python & PyGame Programming 编程与游戏

-International Chess Beginner (Ages 6+) & Intermediate (Ages 7+) 国际象棋

-Weiqi (Game of Go) 围棋 (Ages 6+)

-Public Speaking 公众演讲 (Grades 3-5, Grades 5+)

-Calligraphy 中国书法 (Ages 7+)

-Drawing Beginner 绘画初级班 (Ages 6-10)

-Drawing Intermediate 绘画中级班 (Ages 10+)

-Chinese Classical and Folk Dance Beginner (Ages 7+) & Intermediate (Ages 8+) 传统民族舞蹈

-Ukulele Beginner & Intermediate 尤克里里 (Ages 6+)

-Fashion DIY (Ages 8+)


2021 MLCCC Camp Registration Link is here.



Please share our Summer Camp information with your friends and neighbors:

MLCCC Summer Camp on Facebook:


MLCCC Summer Camp on ISSUU:


MLCCC Summer Camp on YouTube:


MLCCC Summer Camp on Google:


5. Persistency Award Application - Due June 1

For the 12th year in a row, we are proud to offer this award to our hardworking students and parents. This award is sponsored by the Song Li China Culture Foundation. The application form with details is here. The deadline is June 1.


6. MLCCC Emerging Photographer Exhibition - Spring Photos Due May 9  

Take some photos while you travel during Spring Break!

Fall and Winter submissions were made into videos and can be viewed on the MLCCC YouTube Channel at

Let our children observe nature from their own perspectives. Take photos with themes of “Fall”, “Winter”, and “Spring”.

- For students currently enrolled in MLCCC only

- Independent (no adult’s help in any way)

- Mobile phone recommended (retouching allowed)

- This is NOT a competition, no pressure

- Submit at most two photos for each theme. Send photos to


“Fall” - 11/23/2020

“Winter” - 02/07/2021

“Spring” - 05/09/2021  

2021 MLCCC Camp Registration Link is here.


7.“第四届全球华语朗诵大赛”接受报名 The 4th Annual Global Mandarin Recital Contest Opens for Applications

Submission deadline: 4/25/2021.




大费城地区联络中心同步举办赛事,于即日起开始接受报名!欢迎大家积极参与,踊跃报名!有问题及时联系:游恒 215-740-1897




See also details attached.



8. The Ai Ling Guan Memorial Scholarship Fund - 2021 Application Due 5/1

Scholarship Description:

Ms. Ai Ling Guan has taught Chinese for over 30 years in several countries. To commemorate her passion for teaching the Chinese language to both children and adults, her family has set up a scholarship fund to honor those teachers and students engaged in the study of the Chinese language in the US and Canada.


Visit to download proper application forms. We encourage all students and teachers to apply for this honorable award and recognition.

Recommendation Letter can be filled out in the form on their website or emailed to

Deadline: May-1-2021



Students: Students aged 12 – 18 on or before May 1st of the year, studying Chinese at school, weekend /evening Chinese school, or via private tutoring

Teachers: Teachers of the Chinese language or Chinese school administrators

Residing in the US or Canada

The applicant has not previously won the award/scholarship



Students: 14 winners, $500 each

Teachers: 3 winners, $1,000 each


Application Process:

Application open online: March 1st

Application due: May 1st

Results announcement: June 1st

Students: Scholarship will be paid directly to the Chinese school/tutor where the student studies Chinese and will serve as tuition. If she/he studies Chinese primarily at a public or private school, or if she/he does not plan to continue studying Chinese, the scholarship can be forwarded to fund other studies

Teachers: Award will be given directly to the winner in the form of a check.



Be Safe!

See you all online!


Best Regards, 

Qunbin Xiong - Principal

Julia Chou - Vice Principal

Sally Chen - Director of Academics

Xiaomin Wang, 2020-2022 PTO President

Xiaobin Li - 2019-2021 PTO President

Xiaofeng Tang - 2018-2020 PTO President

Lu Li - 2017-2019 PTO President

Lu Li - 2017 - Present, Club 166 President

MLCCC Chinese Weekend School

Web: and


"Like" us on Facebook under "Main Line Chinese Culture Center"

Join Parent WeChat group: WeChat ID: "MLCCC明朗校方快讯“

MLCCC YouTube Channel

MLCCC Podcasts


明朗校历MLCCC Academic Calendar 2020-2021


Community Events:


1. Asian Americans and Pacific Islander Community Meeting (Virtual & On-Site) in Radnor on 4/22

Thursday, 7PM, April 22, 2021, Radnorshire Room

301 Iven Avenue Wayne, PA 19087

The Superintendent of Police, Christopher B. Flanagan, and the Delaware County District Attorney, Jack Stollsteimer, will be in attendance to speak and raise awareness, to promote an open discussion, and to share possible solutions regarding racism and violence towards the AAPI-Asian Community.

We welcome any suggestions, questions, and input that you would like to share.

REGISTRATION: To register for this meeting in person or via ZOOM, please email Vera DiMaio at with your preference by April 19th.  Also, email Ms. DiMaio if you have questions about the meeting or questions you would like the meeting to address.

Resources will be available at the meeting.  

(CDC Guidelines will be followed and masks will be required to enter)


2. 2021"亲情中华~为你讲故事“ 网上夏令营开始招生!  Virtual China Camp 

2021年 “亲情中华~为你讲故事” 网上夏令营 – 全美中文学校协会开始招生啦!












学校报名请填写附件《2021网上夏令营营员信息汇总表》,并尽快联系协会学生服务部江江理事, 或电315-263-6506。


谢谢。江江    全美中文学校协会学生服务部


3. Kick-Off of 2021 Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders (AAPI)  Heritage Month (May)

This year, it carries a special meaning to celebrate the AAPI Heritage Month in May. MLCCC is a proud co-promoter of this year's celebration events. We will share timely information on webinars and recommended readings. We have quite an array of celebrational webinars. There is also a special website which lists all the events going on nationally. We encourage you to attend those events, especially together with your children. Let’s educate ourselves and mainstream society about our history, our contributions to America, as well as our customs and culture. Please see attached flyers for the dates and times of the coming webinars series.

Also, in celebration of this year's AAPI Heritage Month, MLCCC is in partnership with Chinese Historical Records or 美华史记, to offer a specialCampclass:

明朗夏令营和美华史记联合推出与时俱进课程, 欢迎全美华裔青少年关注,报名。 “Pioneering Chinese Immigrants in U.S."华裔美国人的故事“ (Ages 9+) Wednesdays 2pm - 2:50pm EDT, 50-minute class Instructor: Cathy Huang, Editor-in-Chief of 美华史记 (Historical Records of Chinese Americans)。 学历史, 学文化,开视野,长自信!

All lectures are in Mandarin with English subtitles. Lectures will cover the early history of Chinese immigrants to the United States; from the transcontinental railroad construction to the tea party in Boston, from the first Chinatown to Florida’s famous oranges. The Boston Tea Party and Florida’s oranges are closely related to early Chinese immigrants. Most of all, students will learn about the immigrants’ struggles and valuable contributions to the country they called “home”; and feel a sense of pride in being a Chinese American today! Contents may be modified or adjusted based on the real-time feedback from the students. “华裔美国人的故事” - 介绍早期华裔移民对美国的贡献和积极影响: -中国茶叶在美国的故事 -中美贸易开始的故事? -华裔移民对太平洋铁路修建的巨大贡献 -中国城的故事 -近代著名华裔的故事 -哥伦比亚大学第一位中国女博士 -第一个好莱坞华裔女演员 -华裔美国人的朋友 - 赛珍珠 -波音飞机制造公司第1位华裔设计工程师 In the midst of the recent waves of Anti-Asain Hate crimes and attacks, this Camp class is particularly relevant and timely for our younger generations to learn more about the history of the pioneering Chinese Americans in the early time, and their contributions to America. Requirement: Students MUST understand basic spoken Chinese

 2021 MLCCC Camp Registration Link is here.

4. Chinese School Association of the US Webinar Series 全美中文学校协会网络讲座系列 




我们鼓励家长和孩子们一起参加, 领略中文纯正播音要素以及人文风格。See Flyer attached below.

5. Webinar Recommendation:  Parenting in a Multicultural Environment

This is a recorded webinar from last week, sponsored by the School District of Philadelphia and Philadelphia Chinatown Development Commission (PCDC). Special guest Dr. Chen offered some unique perspectives regarding parenting under a mixed culture environment. It especially applies to Asian American families. We highly recommend it to our parents.

Sponsored by the School District of Philadelphia, 华裔社会学家郑博士&心理医生陈秀慧(Hsiu-Hui Chen) 博士关于华裔家庭如何进行有效沟通、互相理解、提高幸福指数讲座视频录像

Link to the recorded webinar:



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