It is the System!


For Asian Americans, racial equality is a long way home. We must keep fighting, fighting the humongous system is an uphill battle, so we much unite, unite with other Asian Americans and minorities under suppression in order to be victorious in the end.

I cannot agree with the writer more!!


It is a system, a system of military-money-oil-profit-greed-inhumanity-industrial-media-complex.

 To make a profit and get rich beyond endlessness,

This complex has become so powerful that,

it allows your protest,

it allows your demonstrations,

it allows many elections,

it allows many parties,

it allows corruptions,

it even allows the religion,

It also allows cults

it allows many guns in the society,

it allows the existence of many evil human beings,

it allows wars,

it allows the destruction of any civilization,

it allows the destruction of any nation,

it allows killing, shooting, death of ordinary peoples

it allows disease,

it allows a few good stories,

it allows a few heroes,

it allows a few bastards.

It allows people killed,

It allows people to kill,

it allows everything and anything,

so that it allows itself endless profit,

so that it allows itself unstoppable wealth.

 No single party,

no single president,

not all Americans can change the course of this system.

it is too big to be stopped,

it is too much inertia to be altered the course,

till the manmade destruction of humanity in the end.


I offer this pessimistic view because I am optimistic!


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