Dear Parents and Friends, In the midst of condemning the recent anti-Asian American wave across the nation, we are more than ever ready to celebrate this year’s Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month (AAPI, May). MLCCC is a co-promoter of this year’s heritage celebration campaign. We have a great installment of webinars and selected articles to share with our community, especially our children. Our goal is to educate, inspire, and help to make our community a better place to live. See the Community Events section for more details while we officially kick off this year’s AAPI Heritage Month celebrations. Headlines: 1. Additional Time Slots for Camp “Road Trip” Class & Drawing Intermediate Class 2. Junior Journalist Class Seeking Chinese Essay Submissions - Deadline 4/30 8PM 3. Podcast #15 on “Spring” By Zhu Zhiqing - 明朗中文播客 第15集 《名作集 – 朱自清的【春】》 4. List of Camp Classes 5. Persistency Award Application - Due June 1 6. MLCCC Emerging Photographer Exh...